10 Best Animals to Keep as Pets

1. A guinea pig

Pigs for Guineas. GETTY IMAGES by Alexandra Jursova A little rodent called the guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) was domesticated 3,000 years ago in Peru. Similar to rabbits, guinea pigs were first tamed for food and gained popularity as pets in the 1800s. Thirteen breeds—from the short-coated Abyssinian to the curly-haired Texel—are recognized by the American Cavy Breeders Association. Guinea pigs are 8 to 16 inches (20.3 to 40.6 cm) in length and weigh between one and three pounds (0.5 and 1.4 kg). Guinea pigs are rather filthy pets, despite their small size; therefore, you will need to clean their bedding on a daily basis. Guernsey pigs require a sustained commitment. They usually reach the age of seven or eight. Be aware that guinea pigs are social creatures who perform best in pairs before you go out and get one. Guinea pigs are one of numerous species that "must be kept in groups of at least two animals," as stated in the Swiss Animal Protection Ordinance. What are the other pets on the list, especially social animals? Mice, parakeets, rats, Japanese quails, macaws, canaries, chinchillas, cockatoos, degus, estrildid finches, gerbils, and macaws. Which two (or three) of your guinea pigs get along should be able to inform you, according to the animal shelter or pet shop where you got them.

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