10 Cave Discoveries That Will Make You Believe in Magic

Throughout human history, caves have been essential locations for shelter, places of worship, and canvases for prehistoric artwork. Humans have left a lasting impression on these underground worlds, as shown in the eerie caves of Ajanta and Ellora and the ancient paintings found in the Lascaux Cave. In addition to their historical value, caverns are mysterious places that frequently hold treasures and secrets. These secret tunnels have been explored by explorers and archaeologists throughout history, who have found fossils, ancient artifacts, and even entire civilizations. This compilation highlights the grandeur of our planet's geological marvels and the tenacity of human creativity by showcasing some of the most fascinating, noteworthy, and amazing discoveries ever made within caves worldwide.

1. Neanderthal Stone Circles

Found in the 1990s Est. Value: Incalculable (Entry fees: $5 per guided tour ticket.) In the 1990s, archaeologists started looking into Bruniquel Cave, and a thousand feet from the entrance, their diligence paid off. Almost four hundred stalagmites, each weighing about two tons, were sculpted into rings in this underground world. A smaller circle suggested ceremonial or religious importance with its carefully placed stalagmites.

Neanderthal Stone Circles on Pinterest and Google Remarkably, bones and remnants of ancient flames were discovered inside these structures. These rings, which date to 176,000 years ago, probably demonstrate the inventiveness of Neanderthals, highlighting their sophisticated cognitive powers and complex social structures, which challenge preconceived ideas about the capacities of our ancestors.

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