10 Of The Strangest, Most Amazing Things Ever Found In Caves

2. The Warriors Made of Terracotta

Found in 1974; estimated value: incalculable (Entry fees: $20 per tour ticket.) One of the most amazing archeological finds of the 20th century was unintentionally discovered by Chinese farmers in 1974: the Terracotta Warriors. Discovered in an underground cavern close to Xi'an, the site showcased an army of life-sized clay troops interred with Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China. The Warriors of Terracotta © Shutterstock/Dn Davis The elaborate statues, which are placed in a military configuration and have distinct facial features, are around 2,200 years old. The find offered priceless insights on ancient Chinese burial customs and ideas about the afterlife, as well as shedding light on the scope and skill of Qin Dynasty workmanship.

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