A Glimpse into the Impossible: Visually Arresting Pics You Can't Unsee

3. Take Five

Potential Lens: Olympus Tough TG-6 Purchase Location: Best Buy Average Price: $500* Our calmly gliding sea turtle companions are our nice aquatic neighbors. These rare animals are found in seven different species, and seeing pictures like these serves as a constant reminder of the need to keep up the fight to protect their natural habitats, the oceans. Two stunning sea turtles can be seen in this underwater photo, appearing to give each other a "high five" with their flippers.

Gimme Five on Pinterest and the Daily Mail The Olympus Tough TG-6 is an underwater camera that is capable of taking amazing photos in almost any harsh setting, including underwater conditions. You won't be disappointed, and it's reasonably priced too.

4. A Wonderful Love Tale

Potential Use of the Samsung Galaxy S5 Camera Where to purchase: Samsung Average Price: $450* Don't let the media mislead you—cats are cunning animals with enormous hearts who can experience love and have best pals. As you can see from this well-timed photo of two cats rubbing against one another, sometimes literally, Their tails joined to create the ideal shape of a heart.

A Wonderful Love Story on Pinterest and Onediocom According to Cats.org, cats can develop strong relationships with other neighboring cats, but they also seem to prefer to be solitary animals. These two street cats don't appear too scared to approach the water, so maybe they are friends from the same neighborhood.

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