International Eats: A Gastronomic Tour of Global Delicacies

Take a culinary tour across cultures, from the vivid street snacks of Latin America to the substantial comfort foods of Europe and the aromatic spices of Southeast Asia, all of which will excite your taste buds with a symphony of flavors and textures.

Chow Bunny

This is a well-liked and flavorful street snack that comes from South Africa. It is made up of a bread loaf that has been hollowed out and filled with curry, usually made with lamb or chicken.


This popular Korean meal is called "mixed rice." It usually consists of sliced meat (usually beef), a fried egg, hot gochujang (red chilli paste), and a bowl of steaming rice topped with a variety of seasoned veggies. Before serving, the food is well combined, resulting in a pleasing fusion of tastes and textures.

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