The Most Unbelievable Coincidences of All Time

5. “Looks Just Like Me”

What occurred was that a dragonfly landed close to a person's tattoo in the United States. The dragonflies knew they had a safe location to land when they noticed the person had a dragonfly tattoo on their foot. This insect might have been wondering if the dragonfly was a true friend he could get to know. "Looks Just Like Me" on Reddit at r/mildlyinteresting It was only ink, alas. Seeing a dragonfly is considered lucky in many countries because it represents rebirth, happiness, transformation, prosperity, and wisdom. You have to quadruple those prizes for one to land on you.


6. How Does This Happen?

What transpired: Diet Pepsi exploded and spiraled into freezing. Where: United States. This person's Diet Pepsi can somehow rupture and freeze into a spiral, as shown in a Reddit post. This started a discussion on whether or not this was a hoax, with the majority of people thinking that it was. What causes this to occur? r/woahdude/Reddit Because crystals have a hexagonal crystal lattice, when water molecules freeze, they organize into stacked hexagons. This is how ice freezes. Simply put, seeing a spiral like this is really strange.

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