Top 15 Optical Illusions Frozen in Time

1. Grandfather Takes Off

Potential Use of the Samsung Galaxy S21 CameraPurchase Location: Samsung Mall Kiosks; Average Price: $750–$800* Being raised in an area that experiences true winters, complete with snow and below-freezing temperatures, instills certain lifelong lessons in you. To begin with, roadside slush is the worst! Furthermore, going sledding and tobogganing is something you can do at any age.

Flying Grandpa: @imgur/Pinterest Reliving happy times spent with loved ones when they were younger is always a source of great satisfaction. A picture of this courageous grandfather recreating Aladdin's escape from the Cave of Wonders will live on their mantel for eternity, thanks to a strategically placed family member.

2. A Full Mouthful

Nikon Z9 Mirrorless Camera Could Be Used Purchase Location: Average Price: $5,500* In the era of social media, images of wildlife are widely available. It's not always simple to find a fantastic action shot of nature in motion, but it does happen. These are typically photos taken in densely forested areas, deep underwater environments, or African safaris, but they can even occur in your own neighbourhood.

An Actual Mouthful ©Shutterstock/Baiju Patil Pay attention to rivers, lakes, and ponds. Birds will always be diving for their food as long as there are fish in the sea. This photographer undoubtedly won the prize they were chasing, just like the bird in the picture.

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