Top 15 Optical Illusions Frozen in Time

5. Taking a Long, Nice Walk

DSLR Canon EOS Rebel T7 possible cameraPurchase Location: Best Buy Average Price: $480* Malls, museums, stadiums, and train stations frequently have s or graffiti on their walls, sometimes with both. Sometimes this "wall art" is intended to foster contact among commuters; often, it uses humorous, cartoon-style artwork.

Taking a leisurely stroll, @imgur/Pinterest Once upon a time, people could walk out in public without worrying that they would be the subject of a cheeky snapshot being taken of them that didn't turn out very well. Those times are gone. Nevertheless, these days, people like this one, whose exact positioning creates an effect like what would be reflected on a funhouse mirror, make for amazing photo opportunities.

6. Join Us, Coffee Addicts

Potential Equipment: Fujifilm GFX 100SW Visit to purchase: Average Price: *$7,000 While some images are haphazardly created, others are carefully planned out. Even though every part of a photo shoot can be planned to the last detail, the most memorable moments are typically those uncomfortable mishaps or chance shots that you only discover hours later when looking over the photos.

Come together, coffee lovers! @TheSunOnline/Pinterest Nothing compares to enjoying a steaming cup of coffee in a porcelain mug while taking a leisurely stroll in the woods on an autumn day with a special someone. Look it up: true love is when the spilling forms the shape of a heart.

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