When AI Fails: The Funniest AI Fails of All Time

1. Gloves that float

Thank you, Bridget Moser Utilized App: DALL-E-2 One of Bridget Moser's first images, which she considered an "impossible photograph," was made with DALL-E-2. It appears fairly realistic, with three gloves floating in a pitch-black forest.

Floating Gloves on Pinterest and cbc.ca Unlike hands, gloves don't seem to cause AI as much trouble. This "impossible photograph" is unsettling because it has the potential to trick people into believing that this forest is truly haunted.

2. A cat has taken the concept of a "joyride" to new heights

Credit: Unknown Application Used: DALL-E-2 This feline has taken the concept of a "joyride" to new heights. Rather than cruising around town in a sleek sports car, this cunning cat has commandeered a battered old sedan as its personal chariot. With a nonchalant air, it lounges lazily behind the wheel, seemingly oblivious to the bemused onlookers. One can only imagine the adventures that await this fearless feline as it embarks on a furry road trip, leaving a trail of confusion and laughter in its wake.

Forget about dogs hanging their heads out of car windows – this cool cat has taken over the driver's seat altogether. With a regal poise, it presides over its rusty realm, surveying the surroundings with a casual indifference that only a true feline monarch can muster. Pedestrians might do a double-take, but this whiskered wheelman is unfazed, confident in its four-pawed mastery of the open road. Who needs a fancy sports car when you can cruise in style, one contented purr at a time?

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