When AI Fails: The Funniest AI Fails of All Time

3. New Beauty Standards

Credit: Art Official Intel Agent App Used: Unconfirmed Heads up, ladies: new beauty standards just dropped. Throw away your BBLs and lip fillers in exchange for becoming a mini-limbed monstrosity. To be fair, becoming this AI-generated woman is easier than trying to conform to impossible beauty requirements.

New Beauty Standards: @boredpanda/Pinterest Victoria’s Secret models can eat their hearts out, courtesy of this photo series from Art Official Intel Agent. If we thought AI didn’t get hands, clearly it has serious trouble with lengthy legs (and arms), too.

4. Deadpool Chair

Credit: pornopanda Utilized App: Midjourney The person who developed this image remarked, as you can see, that it was having difficulties getting Midjourney to stay on-task when building this plastic chair with Deadpool seated in it. Midjourney sort of got it, but not really.

Deadpool Chair: @boredpanda/Pinterest Seeing his well-known Marvel character, the Merc with a Mouth, transformed into an acrylic chair would surely make Ryan Reynolds smile. Not only does the chair include the Merc's renowned red-and-black mask, but it also sports abs.

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